Calendar of Events (click here for Calvary's Google calendar)
A prayer for when we think of one another this week:
Dear Heavenly Father, you have given true light to the world by sending your
Son. You have promised that we would never walk darkness but have the light of
life as we follow Jesus. Please illumine ___’s heart to see your wonderful works
all around. In your light, help ___ see light and experience joy in this dark world.
Help ___ to hold on to your word and believe your promises. Please help ___ to
hold forth your word and be a shining light to family, neighbors and brothers
and sisters in Christ. Awaken ___’s soul to want to be a shining star exactly
where you have placed ___.
(Praying Philippians 2:14-16)
Ladies’ Favorite Things Party, Tonight
Come to church today at 5:00 PM with your favorite thing! Please bring
three of the same item gift-wrapped to share (no more than $5-$10
each). Please sign up to tell us you are coming and sign up if you would
like to bring food.
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes
Please give additional boxes to Laura Bella before December 14. She can
bring your boxes to the Aurora processing center.
Bridgetown Christmas Concert, December 14
“Bridgetown Christmas” will be Saturday, December 14th at Bridgetown
Events. Performance begins at 5:00 featuring Kayla Shaffer.
Calvary Family Christmas Party, December 15
Calvary’s Christmas celebration will be at 5:00 PM on Sunday, December 15.
looking for your White Elephant gifts. (One gift per family unless you feel
especially generous.) Please sign up to bring a salad or dessert. Church
will provide the main dish.
Cross Conference, January 2-4
This is a conference for college students held in Louisville KY. Its mission:
To call this generation to make their lives count by making Jesus’ name
known. Pastor Joe is gathering a group of college students who would
like to attend. Talk to pastor Joe if you are interested. Learn more at